
Fabric Curtain, ZipScreen, Shutter.

Fabric Curtain

A lightweight fabric, soft, silky and transparent. Provides protection against solar heat, sunlight and the rays, U. V.


A swivel system operable with any degree of openness for light control and ventilate easily.


A woven finish, ultra smooth, and a system that is completely sealed, it offers less wind, rain, glare and insects.

Zip Screen

– A system of mesh to add as an accessory to your pergola.

– A perfect combination through the same system of colours.

– A fabric finish ultra-soft, and a system that is completely sealed, offering less wind, rain, glare and insects.

Manual or Electric


– A system of windows to create a perfect environment or provide privacy.

– A rotary system operable with any degree of openness for light control and ventilate easily.

Size of the blade

Available models

Curtain Translucent

– Lightweight, soft, with a silky feel and transparent.

– Transparency and sufficient density to provide the privacy, just during the day.

– Finish Hi-Clean, protection against solar heat, sun protection, lightning protection U. V. and fire retardant.

Translucent fabric standard

Our Pergolas Aluminum

See more information of our available models